Recently, Harbinger presented a session at the Pune round of STeP-IN Summit 2014, an International software testing conference. STeP-IN unlike many conferences dwelled right into the practical approaches towards improving the quality of software. Many interesting software testing strategies and methods like mind mapping, outcome based testing were discussed along with testing in mobile and social media era.
In our 2 hours speaker session ‘Smart Testing – Test less, Cover more, Benefit manifold’ conducted by Avinash Magdum, General Manager-Quality, Harbinger Systems, we talked about the root cause of defect leakages and their solutions to enable quality delivery with increased test coverage and reduced testing efforts.
In the session we covered how code coverage analysis, divided into functional, branch, conditional and statement can help organizations to determine the coverage of their software testing efforts. Now based on this analysis, one can identify uncovered methods, uncovered code snippets, which enables us to identify missing test cases and also create them to increase the testing coverage. Avinash also elaborated on how one can identify redundant test cases and save valuable time and effort by preventing their execution.
The key takeaways from this session were:
- Ensure coverage of every explicit, implicit, and uncovered requirement
- Eliminate test efforts in testing redundant test cases
- Reduce bug leakages substantially
- Reduce the overall cost of maintenance, and patch releases
- Increase customer satisfaction
Here is the slide deck of the speaker presentation.