
Revive Aging eLearning Content with Proven Techniques from Technology Teams

Content aging is a concept associated with the age, quality, and relevance of eLearning content. The higher the content age, the higher the chance of the content not being effective. Ideally, the content age should be less than 3-4 years. It’s of the utmost importance to revamp aging, old, and obsolete content and transform it into relevant, up-to-date, and more engaging one.

Do you have a large learning content library? Is that content still relevant and up to date?

Online learning has taken over as a key L&D strategy and delivery modality when it comes to training employees. While online learning is the need of the hour, it is equally important to regularly update the learning content to avoid the problem of content aging.

Using aged content in your eLearning modules can prove more detrimental than not implementing eLearning at all. It also restricts businesses to better prepare for the future of learning and keep their L&D content fresh and relevant amid rapidly changing technologies, techniques, laws, ecosystems, competency requirements, and way people work.

Did you know, you can overcome content aging by applying proven techniques used to resolve tech debt issues by technology teams?

In this episode of Power Hour, we have dived deep into the largely unfamiliar but highly important topic of content aging. Watch Webinar Recording to get unique insights and perspectives of industry experts on how to deal with aging eLearning content.

Key Takeaways

  • Decoding the concept of content aging & its indicators
  • Best practices to avoid content aging & for future content maintenance
  • Tech Debt vs Content Aging: Things to learn from tech debt management
  • A holistic solutions approach using tech debt principles to resolve content aging
